Corporate Customers         Back to Front Page
(Corporate Customer information for Jon's Just Handy of Madison, WI)

Jon's Just Handy Insurance:

I have full insurance coverage.   If you like, I can
send you a "Certificate of Insurance".   There are
more insurance coverages that cost me extra, like
"additional insurance", and "waiver of subrogation",
If you want those,  I will usually ask that you just
pay the additional amount that the Insurance
company charges.   These "Certificates of Insurance"
usually take a couple of day's to get sent out.   I will
be happy to send you a completed W-9 as well.

Other :

Jon's Just Handy is a Sole-Proprietorship.  Over 99 % of the
work is done by myself.   This assures you that the job
is done right.   You can also talk to the owner whenever you
want.  I look forward to your call,  please see the contact
information on the front page.

Jon's Just Handy has never agreed to sign any papers at all.
If you have a large stack of  difficult to read documents  I may
choose not to sign them.  If you insist on having people sign
large stacks of difficult to read paper,  please make that clear
up front.  Please keep this in mind when hiring Jon's Just
Handy, and please feel free to call me anytime. I will be more
than happy to take your call.   Ultimately, this is not a legal
office.   I fix things, and get paid to do that.   Free or "pro-bono"
legal work is not my specialty.

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